Hovo Ghurshudyan
Hovo Ghurshudyan is on the development team at Brick Factory, specializing in WordPress back end development. He has worked in tech since his second year of university, and started out developing MSSql/C# desktop applications and tools. He then moved into web development, and has 10 years of PHP and WordPress experience. Hovo holds a BA in Applied Math and Informatics from Yerevan State University, and a master’s degree in Mathematical Cybernetics from Russian-Armenian University.
Hovo was born and raised in Yerevan, Armenia, where he lives currently with his wife and daughter. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, and playing every game that has ever existed with his daughter (as well as inventing new games.)

Times Hovo has viewed “The Matrix”
Number of pets Hovo has had – the current roster includes an African fat-tale gecko, a mealworm, and a zophobas beetle
Attempts at reading “The Picture of Dorian Gray”